Sentence example with the word 'gabions'


Last update: October 18, 2015


"Gabions must be sent for," said he sternly.   [Please select]


"Gabions must be sent for," said he sternly.   [Please select]


Their orders were to carry the enemy's nearest trench, and to shift the gabions and fascines to the outward side, and to maintain themselves there.   [Please select]


Following after them were a corps of sappers and miners, regiments detailed as pioneers, carrying intrenching tools, regiments armed as usual, to support them if attacked, and carts loaded with bags of sand, empty barrels, fascines, and gabions.   [Please select]


The master-of-camp had the king of Tidore summoned immediately, and, while awaiting Don Pedro de Acuña, rested his men and cleaned the ships, and made gabions and other things necessary for the war.   [Please select]

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gabies - gabions - gable