Sentence example with the word 'gabled'


Definition adj. (of a roof) constructed with a single slope on each side of the ridge supported at the end by a gable or vertical triangular portion of an end wall

Last update: June 14, 2015


It was a gabled house.   [Please select]


Of the former Inns of Chancery attached to these Inns of Court the most noteworthy buildings remaining are those of Staple Inn, of which the timbered and gabled Elizabethan front upon High Holborn is a unique survival of its character in a London thoroughfare; and of Barnard's Inn, occupied by the Mercer's School.   [Please select]


The Court itself was old, and many-gabled and mellow-red and fine.   [Please select]


A Very Odd Girl: or, Life at the Gabled Farm.   [Please select]


The troop marched along the street, followed by many curious ones, and many heads popped in and out of the gabled windows.   [Please select]


Rudel and Lisbeth were a little girl and boy who lived many years ago in a beautiful gabled farmhouse on the edge of a forest in Germany.   [Please select]

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gable - gabled - gables