Sentence example with the word 'gaucho'


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Definition n. a cowboy of the South American pampas

Last update: June 12, 2015


Gauchos are basically of Spanish and Indian descent.   [Please select]


The landscape was in Gaucho days the same for hundreds of miles.   [Please select]


Fifty years ago he was a Gaucho, much like his Argentine cousin beyond the river.   [Please select]


"In an instant a gaucho was seated on his head."   [Please select]


Lucien could throw a lasso almost as well as Basil himself; and that was equal to a Mexican "vaquero" or a "gaucho" of the Pampas.   [Please select]


In 1829, however, a prolonged lull set in, when Rosas, the gaucho leader, having won in company with other caudillos a decisive triumph over the Unitaries, entered the capital and took supreme command.   [Please select]

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