Sentence example with the word 'gladsomeness'


Definition n. experiencing joy and pleasure

Last update: August 2, 2015


The gladsomeness of life, the sunshine of smiles and laughter, is denied her.   [Please select]


Quentin herself, an innate gladsomeness pervaded her aspect not easy to resist.   [Please select]


Whatever difference of opinion there may be as to the character of the Nightingale's song--whether it partakes more of joyousness or of melancholy--the gladsomeness of the Blackcap's warble is beyond all dispute.   [Please select]


You sink down in a flowery spot on the borders of sleep and wakefulness, while your thoughts rise before you in pictures, all disconnected, yet all assimilated by a pervading gladsomeness and beauty.   [Please select]

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gladsomely - gladsomeness - gladstone