Sentence example with the word 'glaucoma'


ablepsia, blind spot, cataract, darkness, drop serene, eye defect, keratitis, partial blindness, sightless eyes, stone-blindness, unseeingness

Definition n. an eye disease that damages the optic nerve and impairs vision

Last update: June 5, 2017


Perhaps his two most important discoveries were his method of treating glaucoma and his new operation for cataract.   [Please select]


Having suffered from a glaucoma since 1917, I have consulted two oculists who told me that only an operation would put an end to my sufferings, but unfortunately neither of them would assure me of a good result.   [adverb]


A medical friend referred to by Professor Alfred Stern, tells him that some of the symptoms are more like glaucoma.   [Please select]

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glassy - glaucoma - glaucous