Sentence example with the word 'grandee'


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Definition n. a nobleman of highest rank in Spain or Portugal

Last update: August 12, 2015


His son Paul, called the duc de Beauvillier, was several times ambassador to England; he became' chief of the council of finance in 1685, governor of the dukes of Burgundy, Anjou and Berri from 1689 to 1693, minister of state in 1691, and grandee of Spain in 1701.   [Please select]


Now they beheld a table of solid silver, once the property of an old Spanish grandee.   [Please select]


_ Pelaez was a Spanish grandee of great strength and noble form.   [Please select]


I couldn’t believe that the grandee had talked to her about me.   [Please select]


The card was, under its social form, a mere command to present myself before the grandee.   [Please select]


This Duke of Saragossa, Grandee of Spain, often drives the engine of the King's train.   [Please select]


The grandee's well-known mansion on the English Quay glittered with innumerable lights.   [Please select]


They were gold-mounted, and had belonged to a grandee of Spain.   [Please select]


The grandee wore, indeed, an elaborate wig, it being imperative on all men to shave the head for the sake of cleanliness.   [Please select]

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