Sentence example with the word 'haberdasher'


baker, butcher, clothing merchant, costumier, drysalter, florist, furnisher, greengrocer, hardwareman, jeweler, newsdealer, saddler, vintner

Definition n. a merchant who sells men's clothing

Last update: August 20, 2015


What makes this fact still more certain is the circumstance that a haberdasher in Cheapside living "'twixt Wood Street and Milk Street," two streets on the north side opposite Bread and Friday Streets, described himself as " over against the Mermaid tavern in Cheapside."   [Please select]


I dropped in at a summer vaudeville, and bought some ties at a haberdasher's.'   [Please select]


At the age of thirteen he was apprenticed to Mr William Sanderson, a grocer and haberdasher, at the fishing town of Straiths, near Whitby.   [Please select]


"To-morrow," said he, "I must seek me out a goldsmith and a haberdasher, if you will be so good as to name such to me."   [Please select]

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