Sentence example with the word 'haply'


Definition adv. by accident

Last update: October 18, 2015


During the 'seventies the following epitaph was suggested for him by one of the wits of his day: "Here lies poor old Robert Lowe; Where he's gone to I don't know; If to the realms of peace and love, Farewell to happiness above; If, haply, to some lower level, We can't congratulate the devil."   [Please select]


A goddess certainly thou art, sister of Phoebus, or, haply, one of the nymphs.   [Please select]


But for once I was equal to my uncle, and haply remembered a line Dr.   [Please select]


Other dogs may be thy peers, Haply, in those drooping ears, And this glossy fairness.   [Please select]


He also is a Seeker in secret, and from him haply I may learn.   [Please select]


And haply he that counts his life to be lost may yet save it.   [Please select]


Heth's (of the Works) niece, or haply a yet more distant relative.   [Please select]


Yon crowding flock, that at a distance gaze, Have haply foil'd the turf.   [Please select]


Haply he a modern, had been handicapped from his lack of equipment, lack of such discarded kit as I had dreamed about.   [Please select]


"It is impossible not to see in these lofty speculations the effect of the Greek mind, according to its own genius, seeking after God, if haply it might find Him."   [Please select]

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haploid - haply - happed