Sentence example with the word 'hardiness'


assurance, durability, gaminess, hardness, longevity, nerve, potency, robustness, staying power, stringiness, unbreakability

Definition n. the property of being strong and healthy in constitution

Last update: June 8, 2015


It forms no bulbs, but, on account of its extreme hardiness, is sown in July or early in August, to furnish a reliable supply of young onions for use in salads during the early spring.   [Please select]


A half-dozen unoccupied chairs were cluttered about, having been abandoned by persons who over-estimated their hardiness.   [Please select]


Although not an attractive species, his hardiness invests him with not a little interest.   [Please select]


Domestication through successive generations dims the brilliancy of their plumage, and lessens their size and hardiness.   [Please select]


] On the steep, storm-lashed Cheviot hills, in the extreme north of England, this breed first attracted notice for their great hardiness in resisting cold, and for feeding on coarse, heathery herbage.   [Please select]

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