Sentence example with the word 'harridan'


baboon, bitch, chippy, drab, floozy, grisette, jade, monstrosity, nymphomaniac, sight, teratism, uteromaniac, witch

Definition n. a scolding

Last update: July 3, 2015


"She is not a harridan, whatever that elegant word may mean."   [Please select]


"I meet the harridan from Covent Garden on the stairs every morning."   [Please select]


"My dosing may do no good and before the day is out you may be calling me a meddlesome old harridan."   [Please select]


The harridan did as she had promised, and in a short time Fionn and Oisi'n and Oscar and Cona'n were released, and after that all the Fianna were released.   [Please select]

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harquebusiers - harridan - harridans