Sentence example with the word 'hereinafter'


Definition adv. in a subsequent part of this document or statement or matter etc.

Last update: October 8, 2015


After the juice has been defecated or purified by any of the means above mentioned it is sent to the evaporating apparatus, hereinafter described, where it is concentrated to 26° or 28° Beaume, and is then conducted in a continuous stream either into the service tanks of the vacuum pan, if dark sugars are required, or, if a better colour is wanted, into clarifiers.   [Please select]


--This physical act of repulsion and attraction is made use of in motors, as we shall see hereinafter.   [Please select]


For nonperishable goods bought of Moses Herzog, of 13 Saint Kevin's parade in the city of Dublin, Wood quay ward, merchant, hereinafter called the vendor, and sold and delivered to Michael E.   [Please select]


An animal would vainly swallow the most nourishing food if the ultimate, protoplasmic particles of its body had not this power of "transforming" suitable substances brought near them in ways to be hereinafter noticed.   [Please select]


This can be readily accomplished by calling two Spades for "_b_"; three Spades for "_d_"; and four Spades for the combination hereinafter given, for which the declaration of three Spades is suggested.   [Please select]


The "_d_" system will be fully described, and all suggestions that hereinafter appear will be based upon the supposition that it is being used.   [Please select]


It is not hereinafter referred to, but the suggestions made regarding Third and Fourth Hand bidding can be readily adapted to comply with its self-evident requirements.   [Please select]


When the player of the two hands (hereinafter termed "the declarer") wins at least as many tricks as he declared, he scores the full value of the tricks won (see Laws 4 and 6).   [Please select]


Reminding ourselves anew that philosophical problems cannot be treated in isolation from one another, we shall hereinafter seek to become acquainted with general stand-points that give systematic unity to the issues which have been enumerated.   [Please select]


It was for this reason that, twelve years afterwards, I caused to be directed to them the letter, which is hereinafter inserted, and which was the means, in the hands of Mr.   [Please select]

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hereinabove - hereinafter - hereinbefore