Sentence example with the word 'hexahedron'


Definition n. any polyhedron having six plane faces

Last update: August 18, 2015


The names of these five solids are: (r) the tetrahedron, enclosed by four equilateral triangles; (2) the cube or hexahedron, enclosed by 6 squares; (3) the octahedron, enclosed by 8 equilateral triangles; (4) the dodecahedron, enclosed by 12 pentagons; (5) the icosahedron, enclosed by 20 equilateral triangles.   [Please select]


] Suppose, for example, that we attempt to deal decoratively which such simple figures as the three lowest Platonic solids--the tetrahedron, the hexahedron, and the octahedron.   [Please select]

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hexagons - hexahedron - hexameter