Sentence example with the word 'hidebound'


authoritarian, cramped, firm, intolerant, little-minded, narrow-spirited, precisianist, puristic, rigoristic, stiff, uncatholic

Definition adj. stubbornly conservative and narrow-minded

Last update: October 10, 2015


Instead it has been hidebound by bureaucracy according to the authors of the report.   [Please select]


It has been argued somewhat convincingly that Radio Drama tended to be hidebound by the conventions and codes of conventional theater and dramatic narrative.   [Please select]


The young couple led a somewhat dreary life, hidebound by court etiquette, which Victor Emmanuel hated.   [Please select]


He has seen more of this life and--oh, he's not so terribly hidebound.   [Please select]


A beginning must be made where opinions are least hidebound and are therefore easiest to change.   [Please select]


The animal, as a rule, is emaciated, has a staring coat, and is hidebound.   [Please select]


The coat is dull and rough and the skin dry and hidebound.   [Please select]


Of course, it was a great thing to be free from the narrowness and prejudice in which Old Chester was absolutely hidebound.   [Please select]


The merest word would sometimes be enough to put you on the right track; and that word the books, hidebound in a regulation phraseology, never give you.   [Please select]

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heterogenous - hidebound - hierarchy