Sentence example with the word 'hillocky'


bagging, ballooning, billowing, bloated, bulbose, bulging, bumpy, bunchy, hummocky, pneumatic, pouching, swelling, verrucose

Last update: June 18, 2015


He was subdued by the novelty of his surroundings,--the hillocky, sloping pastures, and the shadowy solemnity of the forest.   [Please select]


On the fourth night, as they crossed the hillocky stump-lot behind the barns, the scent became overpowering, and they found the body of the skunk, where fate had overtaken him, lying beside the path.   [Please select]


The ruins of the early village cover a hillocky area of about 800 by 250 feet, but it is impossible to trace much of the ground plan with accuracy.   [Please select]


The place was a bit humpy and hillocky, naturally, and full of holes; but that was rather an advantage.   [Please select]


Below it, in a patch of hillocky pasture ground, sloping to a pond of steel-bright ice, a red fox was diligently hunting.   [Please select]

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hillocks - hillocky - hilloes