Sentence example with the word 'hollowly'


Last update: October 5, 2015


This done, pole, iron, and rope--like the Three Fates--remained inseparable, and Ahab moodily stalked away with the weapon; the sound of his ivory leg, and the sound of the hickory pole, both hollowly ringing along every plank.   [Please select]


Larry’s effort at cheer struck a little hollowly upon us.   [Please select]


He crossed a bridge, hollowly sounding through the night, and neared the hill.   [Please select]


But not a dozen paces had the Chief Inspector gone when he was arrested by a frenzied scream, rising, hollowly, in a dreadful, muffled crescendo.   [Please select]


A shout rang out, echoing hollowly through the corridors, and was followed by scattering cheers from men who were already hastening toward the senate chamber where the caucus sessions were held.   [Please select]

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hollowing - hollowly - hollowness