Sentence example with the word 'homology'


accord, affiliation, assemblage, combination, contrariety, filiation, liaison, mutual attraction, rapport, relationship, tie-in

Definition n. the quality of being similar or corresponding in position or value or structure or function

Last update: September 17, 2015


Homology of names should, in our opinion, always accompany homology of regions.   [Please select]


43-44; homology of wing and leg feathers in, ii.   [Please select]


405; homology of the leg and wing feathers in, ii.   [Please select]


We do not here seek for similarity of form, but homology of regions; and it is only by using the same names to denote the same things that we can succeed in determining such homology.   [Please select]


The action of the anterior part being clearly comparable to the human great gluteal, there can be no doubt as regards the homology of this portion, so we will not insist on it further.   [Please select]

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homologues - homology - homonym