Sentence example with the word 'hyperboles'


Last update: October 25, 2015


"The writer regards such tales as originally intended as hyperboles, to magnify the prowess and magnanimity of renowned persons."   [Please select]


The "truculent and sarcastic splendor" of his hyperboles need not blind us to his real literary excellencies, such as clearness, candor, vigor of phrase, freshness of idea.   [Please select]


But when the minds of men were debauched by the imposition of priestcraft to the most absurd pitch of credulity, the authors of romance arose, and losing sight of probability, filled their performances with the most monstrous hyperboles.   [Please select]


No, I looked upon them as the hyperboles of passion; and though that comedy of which he spoke did actually appear, I dare not doubt the innocence of Mr.   [Please select]

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hyperbole - hyperboles - hyperbolic