Sentence example with the word 'hypertrophic'


Last update: July 15, 2015


Increased work thrown on to a tissue may produce hypertrophy, but, if this excessive function be kept up, atrophy will follow; even the blacksmith's arm breaks down owing to the hypertrophic muscle fibres becoming markedly atrophied.   [Please select]


It is a question still to be answered whether the rare conditions of pyloric spasm and pyloric hypertrophic stenosis are not further developments of the same disturbance.   [Please select]


Pearson proposed the name chronic bacterial dysentery for this affection, and it has also been termed Johne's disease, chronic bacterial enteritis, chronic hypertrophic enteritis, and chronic bovine pseudotuberculous enteritis by various European investigators.   [Please select]

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hypertext - hypertrophic - hypertrophied