Sentence example with the word 'ichthyologist'


animal physiologist, biologist, ecologist, ethologist, herpetologist, mammalogist, ornithologist, taxidermist, zoographer, zoonomist, zoophysicist

Definition n. a zoologist who studies fishes

Last update: July 4, 2015


The great German ichthyologist, M.   [Please select]


There were at least fifteen different species which nothing short of an ichthyologist could enumerate correctly.   [Please select]


The name, surf-fish, is given by the ichthyologist to a species of perch, and the courbina belongs to the genus =Pogonias= and is not found as far north as the California coast.   [Please select]


"Trouting in Canadensis Valley" is rewritten from a little story of mine penned at the suggestion of the noted angler and ichthyologist, the late William C.   [Please select]

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