Sentence example with the word 'ignite'


bank, burn, enkindle, feed, fire, flame up, inflame, light, rekindle, relume, set on fire, stir the fire, stoke the fire, take fire, touch off

Definition v. cause to start burning

Last update: June 26, 2015


He lit a match to ignite the fuse.   [verb]


The Crusades would ignite dreams of glory and chivalric spirit, throwing peasants, farmers, and children alike into frenzy.   [verb]


The firing of shots may ignite firedamp in breaks or cracks in the shot holes, or it may ignite outside the shot holes.   [verb]


During this festival it was customary for shepherds to ignite a mass of straw, through which they rushed with their flocks, believing that this ordeal would purify them from sin.   [verb]


The light of nature was ignited in him.   [verb]


A sudden light made them blink; Gavroche had just managed to ignite one of those bits of cord dipped in resin which are called cellar rats.   [verb]


The only wonder was that they were not ignited.   [Please select]


The food is ignited with an electric connection and burned.   [Please select]

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igneous - ignite - ignited