Sentence example with the word 'igniting'


Last update: June 28, 2015


She recalled with bitterness how he'd plied her with potion, falsely igniting her deep seeded passions until there was no turning back from his rampant lust.   [Please select]


), and the temperature was below the igniting point of this material (40° C.   [Please select]


By igniting the residue and reweighing the amount of insoluble mineral matter can be readily determined.   [Please select]


Igniting the two, he crossed and handed them to Stuart and Max.   [Please select]


A burning-glass is used to concentrate the _heat_ rays, not the _light_ rays, which, though they are collected too, have no igniting effect.   [Please select]


The castle was in a furore; its halls soon thronged with diplomatists and there was an ugly sense of trouble in the air, suggestive of the explosion which follows the igniting of a powder magazine.   [Please select]

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ignites - igniting - ignition