Sentence example with the word 'imitativeness'


Last update: July 4, 2015


He has nothing of Pilon's chameleon-like imitativeness.   [Please select]


I have grouped these nursery observations under the heads of four characteristic features of the child's psychology--his Imitativeness, his Suggestibility, his Love of Power, and his acute though limited Reasoning Faculties.   [Please select]


At the age, then, of two or three the first quality of the child which may arrest our attention is his extreme imitativeness.   [Please select]


The imitativeness of the young child is so great that he will repeat in almost every detail all the actions of his nurse as she carries out the daily routine.   [Please select]


_(b)_ THE SUGGESTIBILITY OF THE CHILD We may pass from considering the imitativeness of the child to study a second and closely related quality, his suggestibility.   [Please select]


His will must set itself against its instinct of imitativeness, and his small house, not yet quite built, must be divided against itself.   [Please select]

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imitatively - imitativeness - imitator