Sentence example with the word 'immaterialism'


Last update: August 31, 2015


You tell me indeed of a repugnancy between the Mosaic history and Immaterialism: but you know not where it lies.   [Please select]


As a balance, therefore, to this weight of prejudice, let us throw into the scale the great advantages that arise from the belief of Immaterialism, both in regard to religion and human learning.   [Please select]


If there are difficulties ATTENDING IMMATERIALISM, there are at the same time direct and evident proofs of it.   [Please select]


And in case you cannot conceive it easier by the help of MATERIALISM, it is plain it can be no objection against IMMATERIALISM.   [Please select]


If it doth not, you might as well argue from the infinite divisibility of extension against the Divine prescience, as from such a difficulty against IMMATERIALISM.   [Please select]


In this, of course, he is following Hume, though he applies the Johnsonian argument to Berkeley's immaterialism.   [Please select]

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immaterial - immaterialism - immaterialist