Sentence example with the word 'immersing'


Last update: September 25, 2015


While I felt a secret of that magnitude couldn't remain so in an intimate relationship, I equally dreaded immersing myself so deeply into Howie's life.   [Please select]


--the fresh sturgeon they keep for many days by immersing it in water.   [Please select]


To perform this operation with all possible exactness, immersing the bees was not enough.   [Please select]


Copies are made from the mould by immersing it in a tank of melted wax.   [Please select]


The men hurled and rolled themselves towards the little flooded ditch that they had dug, wedging, burying, and immersing themselves in it, and placed the blades of the shovels over their heads.   [Please select]


The method first used in the attempt to determine the mass of a given muscle was that of immersing the muscle in a liquid-filled graduated tube, and then measuring the amount of liquid displaced.   [Please select]

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immersed - immersing - immersion