Sentence example with the word 'impedimenta'


accouterments, bag and baggage, consignment, disadvantage, equipment, freightage, handicap, lading, munition, payload, shipment, utensils

Definition n. any structure that makes progress difficult

Last update: June 11, 2015


The beach on which the landing took place proved to be satisfactory, but it lay at the foot of a steep and rugged declivity, which was therefore a most unsuitable place for putting ashore the stores and impedimenta of an army.   [Please select]


Stripped of the impedimenta of its previous occupation, it now housed the officers of the staff.   [Please select]


Thousands passed over, men and women, vague human forms encumbered with queer projecting excrescences of impedimenta.   [Please select]


The party was too large and too heavily encumbered with impedimenta for swift travel.   [Please select]


Honey promotes the excretions and dissolves the glutinous and starchy impedimenta of the system.   [Please select]


The troops, wishing to be rid of impedimenta, were sending them forward by railway and highway.   [Please select]


Relieved of his impedimenta, he returned to the station.   [Please select]


You get Tim and have somebody rustle our impedimenta up here.   [Please select]


It was the debris of the battle-field, the abandoned impedimenta and broken weapons of contending armies, the detritus of conflict, torn, broken, and rent, that at the end of each day's combat encumbered the field.   [Please select]


When all was ready, and it did not take long, since the warriors of Pal-ul-don require but little impedimenta on the march, they moved toward the palace gate.   [Please select]

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impediment - impedimenta - impediments