Sentence example with the word 'impinged'


Last update: October 13, 2015


Ragot and others made burners in which two jets of acetylene, coming from two tubes placed some little distance apart, impinged and splayed each other out into a butterfly flame.   [Please select]


The distant sounds impinged upon him his great aloneness.   [Please select]


The corner of the raft had impinged against some ice that was piled on the beach.   [Please select]


Robert's hearing was not so wonderfully keen as Tayoga's, but it was very keen, nevertheless, and as he lay, eyes shut, something impinged upon the drums of his ears.   [Please select]


Even as he realized the fact, the quarry vanished, and the ray of light from Max's lamp impinged upon the opening in an iron sluice gate.   [Please select]

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impinge - impinged - impingements