Sentence example with the word 'improvidence'


brashness, cheek, gall, heroics, impudence, insolence, overboldness, oversureness, rashness, temerity, unchariness

Definition n. a lack of prudence and care by someone in the management of resources

Last update: November 10, 2017


Her Improvidence might lead her in trouble later.   [noun]


Owing to the improvidence of the Hungarian landowners and the poverty of the peasants the soil of the country is also gradually passing into their hands.3 The Gipsies, according to the special census of 1893, numbered 2 74,94 0.   [Please select]


Improvidence is the great fault of the lower classes.   [Please select]


It seemed as if a nation had become ruined through improvidence, and was selling off.   [Please select]


Rosada Tivoli, iii, 185; his Works, iii, 186; his wonderful Rapidity of Hand, iii, 186; a Wager won, iii, 187; his Habits and Improvidence, iii, 187.   [Please select]


The improvidence of Lady Blessington, however, was in no respect diminished.   [Please select]


Ashore was a riot of money, prodigious extravagance, mean, shabby appointments, sudden riches, great disappointment, revelry, improvidence and suicide.   [Please select]


"I meant to say that improvidence is the prevailing fault of those whose income is small."   [Please select]

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