Sentence example with the word 'imprudences'


Last update: October 13, 2015


Whatever his cares, his work or his troubles, I have never noticed in him aught but generous impulses and a love of humanity carried even to those heroic imprudences of which they alone are capable who devote themselves to the amelioration of humanity."   [Please select]


There was, indeed, a quality not for little folk in this girl's fierce imprudences.   [Please select]


To be out of the house late at night or sitting up, except to study, are imprudences she can not allow herself.   [Please select]


He imitated his immediate predecessors in the vices of drunkenness and sensuality, and was guilty of great imprudences.   [Please select]


"Sir, sir, you need my brother here to curb your imprudences."   [Please select]


Her discretions interested him almost as much as her imprudences: he was so sure that both were part of the same carefully-elaborated plan.   [Please select]

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imprudence - imprudences - imprudent