Sentence example with the word 'imprudently'


Definition adv. in an imprudent manner

Last update: October 25, 2015


Do not work imprudently.   [Please select]


For this emissary Tone drew up a memorandum on the state of Ireland, which he described as ripe for revolution; the paper was betrayed to the government by an attorney named Cockayne to whom Jackson had imprudently disclosed his mission; and in April 1794 Jackson was arrested on a charge of treason.   [Please select]


Roosevelt insisted, imprudently, on accompanying his son Kermit to Madrid, where he was to marry the daughter of the American Minister.   [Please select]


It is however a dangerous instrument; it can wound or even kill you if you handle it imprudently and unconsciously.   [Please select]


"I do remember him, and the circumstances under which I last saw him," replied Melville, rather imprudently.   [Please select]


"You have killed him," he said raising his voice imprudently in his anger.   [Please select]


I had come upon him while he was imprudently exposing himself to view.   [Please select]


I believe Avdotya Romanovna is sacrificing herself generously and imprudently for the sake of.   [Please select]


This was a national act and whether wisely or imprudently done it must be respected by the people of all the States.   [Please select]


All the elderly ladies whom Archer knew regarded any woman who loved imprudently as necessarily unscrupulous and designing, and mere simple-minded man as powerless in her clutches.   [Please select]


Burns imprudently moved out into the surf to assist him, when the undertow from a heavy wave swept him far out into the angry sea.   [Please select]

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imprudent - imprudently - impudence