Sentence example with the word 'incandescence'


afterglow, bloom, candescence, flush, glint, glow, hectic flush, redness, sheen, shininess, skylight, whiteness

Definition n. the phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised

Last update: October 15, 2015


Bunsen, and its application to the detection and the characterization of elements when in a state of incandescence, rapidly led to the discovery of many hitherto unknown elements.   [Please select]


"Lights," commanded Master Freddie; and the butler pressed a button, and a flood of brilliant incandescence streamed from above, half-blinding Jurgis.   [Please select]


If sufficiently intense, it jumps any gap in the secondary circuit, heating the intermediate air to a state of incandescence.   [Please select]


No arc would be formed unless the carbons were first touched to start incandescence.   [Please select]


Incandescence, A conductor heated up by a current so it will Electric.   [Please select]


It became luminous, as though the ghosts of the ancient days of incandescence had revisited the calendar.   [Please select]


In the heating of solid bodies to incandescence, this non-visual emission is the necessary basis of the visual.   [Please select]


Its higher levels were dense with clouds, from which a hot rain fell towards the rocks below, to be converted again into steam long before it reached their incandescence.   [Please select]


A man with a volcanic incandescence within him such as was now afire in Rose, is utterly useless until it subsides--totally incapable, at least, of any sort of creative or imaginative work.   [Please select]

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incalculably - incandescence - incandescent