Sentence example with the word 'incarnate'


adumbrate, bring out, demonstrate, evince, give token, inbred, made flesh, organic, propitiatory, shadow, transcendent

Definition adj. possessing or existing in bodily form

Last update: September 16, 2015


The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.   [noun]


At any rate they incarnate the very spirit of the songs he sings.   [verb]


God does not incarnate himself and there is no one book which has been directly revealed by God or is wholly infallible.   [verb]


Mock saint, mock nun; a creature of passions like my own but more stealthy; from top to toe an incarnate lie.   [Please select]


See how France prospered under the sagacious tyrant, Louis the Eleventh, under the soldier-statesman, Sully, under pure reason incarnate in Richelieu.   [Please select]


"What little need, when incarnate fiends are combined against me on earth, and Sathan himself--But it matters not," added he, checking himself.   [adjective]


"With a strong body of horse, commanded by the devil incarnate that killed Bothwell," answered the terrified soldier.   [noun]


Whoever kept sober at the festival of Dionysus, whose incarnate second self he regarded himself, incurred his deepest displeasure.   [Please select]


They had found a new Apis and were rejoicing over the reappearance of their god, incarnate in the sacred bull.   [Please select]


What crime was this that lived incarnate in this sequestered mansion, and could neither be expelled nor subdued by the owner.   [adjective]


All this time, the incarnate devil was uttering most fiendish oaths.   [adjective]

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incarnadined - incarnate - incarnated