Sentence example with the word 'incipiently'


Last update: July 11, 2015


Boulenger's phylogenetic system stands as follows: Viperidae Uropeltidae C. Opisthoglypha C. Proteroglypha Amblycephalidae mandible to the aglyphous or innocuous Colubridae, whence further differentiation in three new lines has taken place, - (i) the harmless Amblycephalidae as a side-issue, (2) the very poisonous proteroglyphous Elapidae, (3) the moderately or incipiently poisonous Opisthoglypha, out of some of which seem to have arisen the venomous Viperidae.   [Please select]


Watson would contend that the inner speech must be incipiently pronounced; we should argue that it MIGHT be merely imaged.   [Please select]


To contemplate an object is to dwell on the idea or image of it, and to dwell upon an idea means to carry it out incipiently.   [Please select]


In short, we perceive an object in space by carrying out its motor suggestions; more technically expressed, by virtue of a complex of motor impulses aroused by it; more briefly, by incipiently imitating it.   [Please select]

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incipient - incipiently - incise