Sentence example with the word 'incoherences'


Last update: August 23, 2015


But his zeal encountered a check which baffled him for several years, and which left its mark in various inconsistencies and incoherences in his completed system.   [Please select]


He flung himself into a chair after the outburst, his big chest surging, his throat tumultuous with gutteral incoherences.   [Please select]


It fills them by calling up other memories which, presenting themselves often with the same deformations and the same incoherences as the preceding, demand in their turn a new explanation, and so on indefinitely.   [Please select]


Twist, interrupting these incoherences, and pulling out a beautiful clean pocket-handkerchief which hadn't even been unfolded yet, "you've got to tell me all about it right away."   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

incoherence - incoherences - incoherent