Sentence example with the word 'inconsequence'


Definition n. having no important effects or influence

Last update: July 11, 2015


Yet, with his usual inconsequence, he did not follow up his success, but made a two years truce with Philip of France on the basis of uti possidetiswhich left Normandy and all the territories on and about the Loire in the hands of the conqueror.   [Please select]


Why should not the whole of the decorous street suddenly change into the inconsequence of an Empire ballet.   [Please select]


"I thought you referred to--at least--I was thinking of--" His sentence died off in inconsequence.   [Please select]


Vagrant impressions and associations of this childhood strayed with quaint inconsequence across the field of his preoccupied mind.   [Please select]


Perversity, thy name is maidenhood; and maidenhood, thy name is delicious inconsequence.   [Please select]


Dona Luisa responded with the inconsequence that mothers always show in matters of resemblance.   [Please select]


And this feeling harassed him, increasing the natural discursiveness and inconsequence of his speech.   [Please select]


The comical inconsequence of this anecdote concerning a man so important robs it of vulgarity.   [Please select]


Then, with the inconsequence of childhood, he had pictured Fletcher gasping beneath his feet--trampled out like a worm, when he was big enough to take his vengeance and come again into his own.   [Please select]


* * * * * Animation, oddity, inconsequence, all these things Margaret observed in Kitty during luncheon in a restaurant of the Merceria, and various incidents connected with it; animation above all.   [Please select]

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inconsecutive - inconsequence - inconsequences