Sentence example with the word 'indemnification'


amends, compensation, counterbalancing, honorarium, making right, peace offering, reclamation, refund, reprisal, retribution, satisfaction, wergild

Definition n. a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury

Last update: October 30, 2015


The assythment, or indemnification due to the heirs of the person murdered from the murderer, is due if the murderer has received pardon, though not if he has suffered the penalty of the law.   [Please select]


Miss Anna was not the only woman in the world, he averred, by way of swift indemnification.   [Please select]


Indeed, if all men have an equal right to the possession of good land, no one can be forced to cultivate bad land without indemnification.   [Please select]

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indelicately - indemnification - indemnifications