Sentence example with the word 'independency'


Definition n. freedom from control or influence of another or others

Last update: September 2, 2015


Episcopacy, Erastianism and Independency, though of little account in the assembly, were to bulk largely in England's future; while the church polity which the assembly favoured and recommended was to be almost unknown.   [Please select]


Radicalism, however, was in the saddle, and on the 2d of July the "resolution respecting independency" was adopted.   [Please select]


Strict independency was the basis and the genius of their church.   [Please select]


"The contest which is now forced on the United States," it concluded, "is radically a contest for their sovereignty and independency."   [Please select]


No, I love independency too well to sacrifice my life, health, and pleasure, for such a pitiful consideration.   [Please select]


Minorities everywhere work for a greater independency as a step to a better international understanding.   [Please select]


The "resolution respecting independency," debated at length, was postponed till the 1st of July, when it was again brought up for consideration.   [Please select]

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independences - independency - independent