Sentence example with the word 'indestructible'


ageless, continuous, eternal, everliving, impregnable, inexpugnable, irrefragable, nonstop, permanent, unalterable, undestroyable, unremitting

Definition adj. not easily destroyed

Last update: August 20, 2015


But it was discovered that there were no " indestructible powers of the soil "; that the fertility of land in a country like England is almost entirely the result of improvement at some time or other; that " advantage of situation " includes very much more than the words in their literal sense imply; that both " fertility " and " advantage of situation " include many kinds of differential advantage; that in some circumstances rent does not enter into the price of agricultural and other produce, and that in others it does.   [Please select]


These hollows are uneffaceable; these formations are indestructible.   [Please select]


All was destroyed, except something intangible yet powerful and indestructible.   [Please select]


A heavy spike was driven into an old hammer to serve as an indestructible handle.   [Please select]


"I should think you would be tired of trying to crush that old indestructible worm."   [Please select]


Custom and tradition become indestructible when confided to the archives of his memory.   [Please select]


Indestructible by reason of its numbers, its small size, and its cunning, the little creature laughs at the anger of man.   [Please select]

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indestructibility - indestructible - indeterminable