Sentence example with the word 'indistinguishably'


Last update: October 5, 2015


Clamors blew upon him like blasts--laughter--execrations--sometimes both together indistinguishably.   [Please select]


If he wrote such things would they be noted or would they just vanish indistinguishably into the general mental tumult.   [Please select]


The lower part of his trousers-legs, in irregular vertical creases, clung dismally to his ankles and toned down almost indistinguishably into his once tan boots by the medium of a liberal stipple of mud spatters.   [Please select]


He loves it, not only because it is warm and comfortable, but because it is indistinguishably associated in his mind with some of the most glorious pages of Scottish history.   [Please select]

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indistinguishable - indistinguishably - indite