Sentence example with the word 'inexpediency'


Definition n. the quality of being unsuited to the end in view

Last update: July 30, 2015


3 In reply to some critical remarks (Ibis, 1868, pp. 8 5-9 6), chiefly aimed at showing the inexpediency of relying solely on one set of characters, especially when those afforded by the palatal bones were not, even within the limits of families, wholly diagnostic, the author (Ibis, 1868, pp. 357-362) announced a slight modification of his original scheme, by introducing three more groups into it, and concluded by indicating how its bearings upon the great question of " genetic classification" might be represented so far as the different groups of Carinatae are concerned: - 1 These names are compounded respectively of Dromaeus, the generic name applied to the emeu, 7xQ-a, a split or cleft, SEVµa, a bond or tying, a finch, and, in each case, yvaBos, a jaw.   [Please select]


In this mood questions become issues of right and wrong, not of expediency and inexpediency.   [Please select]


Realizing the inexpediency of discussing the matter, I went forward myself, overran the line, and let the anchor go.   [Please select]

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inexorably - inexpediency - inexpedient