Sentence example with the word 'infelicity'


abnormality, broken heart, discontent, ill-balanced sentences, incongruity, interruption, mirthlessness, roughness, undesirability, unpropitiousness, wretchedness

Definition n. inappropriate and unpleasing manner or style

Last update: August 2, 2015


On his moral essays it may suffice to notice the dissertations On Nobility, On Vicissitudes of Fortune, On the Misery of Human Life, On the Infelicity of Princes and On Marriage in Old Age.   [noun]


His first wife, Catherine, daughter of Magnus I., duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, bore him in 1 533 his eldest son Eric. This union was neither long nor happy, but the blame for its infelicity is generally attributed to the lady, whose abnormal character was reflected and accentuated in her unhappy son.   [noun]


And yet rather early in Dickens's married life there was more or less infelicity.   [Please select]


"Domestic infelicity," answered La Certe, with a sorrowful shake of the head.   [Please select]


The words were hardly spoken when she realized their infelicity.   [Please select]


He has his inward joys, his affectionate delights, which no outward infelicity can touch.   [Please select]


Went on the puppet stage for a few hundred years, displaying her domestic infelicity.   [Please select]


To see or eat roast in a dream, is an omen of domestic infelicity and secret treachery.   [Please select]

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infelicitously - infelicity - infer