Sentence example with the word 'initiatives'


Last update: August 19, 2015


As a matter of fact, Zekki intended to use the day of the 23rd for closing up his columns and narrowing his front; and, Prince Alexander's intentions being the same, the day would have been uneventful but for the initiatives of subordinates on both sides.   [Please select]


But of late Jadwin's eye and ear were forever turned thitherward, and it was he, and no longer Gretry, who took initiatives.   [Please select]


And the rigid examination system that killed all intellectual initiatives has been destroyed.   [Please select]


It was an age of political division indeed, but of very great intellectual initiatives.   [Please select]


However, the political goals are short-term initiatives (at most a few legislative terms), while the masonry wants basic changes in the thinking structure of people, independent of the political orientation of each member.   [Please select]


_--The appointment of executive agents and the maintenance of means for keeping them responsible to the community, without at the same time hampering intelligent initiatives.   [Please select]

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initiative - initiatives - initiator