Sentence example with the word 'inoculate'


admit, condition, exhilarate, impregnate, infix, insert, interject, perfuse, shoot, stick in, whip in

Definition v. introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of

Last update: September 18, 2015


He was inoculated for Typhoid.   [Please select]


For years the men of the Left had worked to inoculate the electorate with suspicion of Conservative methods and with hatred of the imposts which they nevertheless knew to be indispensable to sound finance.   [Please select]


LYNCH: (Laughs) And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes.   [Please select]


These gentlemen all inoculated with matter taken from the running of the mouth, nose, or eyes.   [Please select]


"To prevent such accidents, human beings have been inoculated on the arms and legs, and now-a-days the arms are found sufficient."   [Please select]


The first inoculative attempts were very fatal; they caused the death of all the inoculated animals.   [Please select]


If the nails be neglected and a scratch received from the infected fingers the system may be inoculated with disease.   [Please select]


It inoculated a class of people with ideals that were unquestionably of high ethical value.   [Please select]


The second week in camp we were inoculated, and again examined for overseas service.   [Please select]


Bacilli from the spleen of a mouse inoculated with a culture.   [Please select]


The early English period had always interested me, and we had not been together for two months before Field was inoculated with a ravenous taste for the English literature of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.   [Please select]

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inocula - inoculate - inoculated