Sentence example with the word 'inquests'


Last update: September 12, 2015


The community is in the main composed of simple working people, who, apart from their peculiarity, have a good reputation; but their avoidance of professional medical attendance has led to severe criticism at inquests on children who have died for want of it.   [Please select]


It was like the half-smothered fear which makes guilty men go to sit at the inquests on their murdered victims.   [Please select]


They got the coffin up, and they took it to the room at the Star, at Alfreston, where inquests are held, and the doctors were there, and we were all shut out.   [Please select]


They were not so particular about inquests in those days as they are now; indeed, they were generally disliked, because of the scandal.   [Please select]

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inquest - inquests - inquiet