Sentence example with the word 'insistency'


Definition n. the state of demanding notice or attention

Last update: September 14, 2015


The theologians in Louis's following who were opposed to papal absolutism already spoke of "the new heretic, Jacques de Cahors," and reiterated with increasing insistency their demands for the convocation of a general council to try the pope.   [Please select]


The song came in little insistent trills and quaverings, and quaint recurring cadences, which matched the insistency of the rhymes.   [Please select]


Cruel indeed when the hardness and insistency goes to the forging of fetters for emotion and ignorance.   [Please select]


Nine o'clock rang out dully from the nearest church spire; ten o'clock, eleven o'clock followed in turn with monotonous, chiming insistency.'   [Please select]

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insistence - insistency - insistent