Sentence example with the word 'intake'


access, corridor, entrance, gate, importation, ingression, intrusion, output, receipt, take

Definition n. the process of taking food into the body through the mouth

Last update: June 26, 2015


Intake of fluids should be more in a day.   [Please select]


Intake of students in the humanities has come down.   [Please select]


From the experience of such workings it is considered that 1 soo metres would be a possible workable depth, the rock temperature being 132°, and those of the intake and return galleries, 92° and 108° respectively.   [Please select]


He fixed a funnel to the end of the intake tube of a vacuum cleaner and hung it under a globe.   [Please select]


, whenever the outside air temperature runs above this point cold air should be furnished to carbureter air intake.   [Please select]


A low, whistling sound, the simultaneous sharp intake of breath through the nostrils of forty men, filled the room.   [Please select]


I remember how each intake of his breath hissed through his lips as he sat down.   [Please select]


A stiffer spring was inserted in the intake-valve so it would not open quite so easily.   [Please select]


The sudden sharp intake of breath, almost like an outcry, that he had heard, oppressed him with a sense of apprehension.   [Please select]

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intaglios - intake - intakes