Sentence example with the word 'intangibility'


airiness, flimsiness, impalpability, incorporeity, mistiness, otherworldliness, psychism, spirituousness, tenuity, unearthliness, unsubstantialness

Definition n. the quality of being intangible and not perceptible by touch

Last update: September 4, 2015


The scandal and the pressure of foreign Catholic opinion compelled Depretis to pursue a more energetic policy, and to publish a formal declaration of the intangibility of the Law of Guarantees.   [Please select]


The most rigorous primness of behavior does not daunt them, nor the assertion of an icily virtuous intangibility.   [Please select]


To be suddenly in an enemy's presence a new kind and new size of man--colossal, baffling--to turn into invisibility before him, into intangibility, into another kind of being before the enemy's eyes, so that he could not possibly tell what to do, and so that none of the things that he had thought of to do would work.   [Please select]


The mystery of existence, the unreality of what seems most real, the intangibility and evanescence of all things earthly,--these thoughts obscurely echoing to us across the ages from Heraclitus, have remained, and always will remain, among the deepest and most insistent of the world's thoughts, in its sincerest moments and in its greatest thinkers.   [Please select]

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intakes - intangibility - intangible