Sentence example with the word 'intensively'


Definition adv. in an intensive manner

Last update: July 22, 2015


He worked intensively for the post.   [Please select]


The Chinese land has always been cut up into small holdings, which are chiefly freeholds, and cultivated intensively.   [Please select]


The mammals of Warren Woods were intensively studied by the author from July 3 to September 3 in the summer of 1919.   [Please select]


"With my most grateful thanks," he was able intensively to rejoin, in spite of his dismay at the imminence of her departure.   [Please select]


Areas 2, 4, and 7 resemble at least one of the areas described above but were sampled less intensively.   [Please select]


In early April we moved into the Tepalcatepec Valley, where we collected intensively between Churumuco and Tepalcatepec.   [Please select]


In the autumn of 1948, 17 were caught on the ten-acre tract of woodland that was live-trapped most intensively.   [Please select]


Changing numbers and composition (according to size of individual) in a population of voles on an area of approximately one half an acre that was intensively sampled with live-traps over periods of months.   [Please select]


I am superlatively glad now that we didn't spend Jervis's money last summer; it would have been intensively tragic to have had that burn.   [Please select]

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intensive - intensively - intent