Sentence example with the word 'intercalation'


Definition n. an insertion into a calendar

Last update: October 20, 2015


Others again consider that the whole cycle is a metamorphosis which, beginning in the Heterocotylea as a direct development, has become complicated in the Holostomidae by a larval history, and finally in the Malacocotylea has acquired additional complexity by the intercalation of two larval forms, and is thus spread over several generations.   [Please select]


Every other year, an intercalation of 22 or 23 days alternately was to be added after the 23rd day of February.   [Please select]


In the middle of the troubles, the intercalation was omitted in the years 704, 706, and 708.   [Please select]


And he provided for a uniform intercalation of one day in every fourth year, which accounted for the remaining quarter of a day.   [Please select]


He had proposed the intercalation of a month in the current year, in order, probably, to retard the period for the decision of the question which agitated the Senate and the town.   [Please select]

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intercalating - intercalation - intercede