Sentence example with the word 'interlocutor'


Last update: July 8, 2015


He is an interlocutor and keeps everyone busy.   [Please select]


In 633 he was one of the party of Sophronius of Jerusalem (the chief original opponent of the Monothelites) at the council of Alexandria; and in 645 he was again in Africa, when he held in presence of the governor and a number of bishops the disputation with Pyrrhus, the deposed and banished patriarch of Constantinople, which resulted in the (temporary) conversion of his interlocutor to the Dyothelite view.   [Please select]


I perceived, of course, the drift of my interlocutor.   [Please select]


"The young Cossack made his mighty interlocutor smile," says Thiers.   [Please select]


The miniature," responded her interlocutor, in a tone expressing the most unbounded admiration and delight."   [Please select]


"Why," she returned, flustered afresh by the quick change in her interlocutor's manner.   [Please select]


He would keep on the lee side of his interlocutor in spite of all one could do.   [Please select]


Presently Byng spoke in a tone rather louder than in ordinary conversation to an imaginary interlocutor for some minutes.   [Please select]

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interlocking - interlocutor - interlocutors