Sentence example with the word 'intricately'


Last update: April 19, 2016


The music room had raised panel cherry walls and a coffered ceiling with intricately carved beams.   [adverb]


Ancient igneous rocks such as granite lie intricately mingled with old and highly metamorphosed sediments.   [adverb]


So saying, she drew with vengeful fingers at the intricately woven silks until she had indeed undone all that had gone before.   [adverb]


The intellectual and the social evolution are closely and intricately connected, and each reacts upon the other.   [Please select]


The talc-enclosed candle revealed Hamilton and Amos, dirty beyond words, smoke-blackened, blood-stained, and intricately bandaged.   [Please select]


To understand it, one must realize how intricately woven together are the thoughts of a human being and how trivial are the bonds of association between these ideas.   [Please select]


Only yesterday it was that Ethel for the twentieth time had gone over with Jane all the intricately perplexing and delightful details in regard to her coming-out party next winter.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

intricate - intricately - intrigue